Board of Directors Approved 03/06/07
February 7, 2008

Present: Hon. James F. Moelk (ret), Curtola, Gerhardt, Vadlamudi, Wray, Fisher, Waslohn, Angen, Tauber, Hakenen, Martin, Capozzo, Sottana

Minutes of January 3, 2008
The minutes stand as mailed.

President’s Report
Hon. James F. Moelk (ret) reported an action involving a former employee.

Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer’s report was accepted as presented. There was discussion on the difference between the Golf Shop physical inventory and the record keeping. The cost of goods sold is in line with the inventory.

Membership Sales & Notations
Proprietary Applicant: Anthony & Debra Russo, and Jim & Deanne Ponder. Waslohn motioned to approve both applicants. Ponder is subject to completing their two week posting period and membership committee review. Curtola seconded, the motion carried. The Board took note of one Notice To Sell form and five reductions in the asking price of memberships. The notices will be effective Friday, February 8, 2008.

Committee Reports
The committee has been working on regulations to present to the Board on preventing members from intentionally hitting errant shot into the corporation yard and onto #15 and #16. After some conversation, Judge Moelk will speak with the Golf Professional regarding increasing staff presence at the driving range to address individuals who hit these shots. Tauber motioned that a letter of warning be posted in the Golf Shop, and the Men’s and Women’s locker rooms that privileges will be suspended if these individuals do not comply. Waslohn seconded, the motion carried unanimously.
House: The committee thanked the Board for approving CIF funds for the Oak room. Not all of the requested funds were made available in the 2008 Phase I. The Oakroom project cannot be done piece by piece. The committee is requesting the remaining $20,000 for the project. Waslohn motioned to decline the request at this time. Should CIF become available later in the year, the request will be revisited. Gerhardt seconded, the motion carried.
Tennis: Winter leagues are still active and new leagues are scheduled to begin. A recent report reflects a triple increase in use of the courts.
Membership: The committee responded to the Board’s request for a recommendation on a selling procedure for memberships. The committee’s report will be discussed at the March 2008 Board meeting.
F&B: A Food & Wine Experience is scheduled for Friday, March 7, 2008 in the Oakroom. Seating is limited. The evening theme is “Tour Through Italy.”

Credit Bureau Associates
CBA representatives met with GVCC management to review CBA’s collections process and contract information. CBA will follow up with members who have been expelled by sending a total of two letters requesting payment. Should the member pay within the two letter time frame, CBA will not charge the Club. If CBA needs to continue pursuing the member after sending the standard two letters CBA will charge GVCC twenty-five percent of what is collected. If the collection goes to litigation, CBA will charge GVCC thirty-five percent of the amount. Fisher authorized Capozzo to sign the contract with CBA. Gerhardt seconded, the motion carried.

Membership Drive
The Board discussed a membership drive, member incentives. The idea of allowing privileges to significant others which would require a by-laws change. Another suggestion was to contact the Fairfield, Vacaville, and Vallejo Chambers of Commerce to “Bring a guest” from outside the area to golf and or lunch. These ideas are to be forwarded to the membership committee for recommendation. Vadlamudi seconded. Carried.

There being no further business, Hakenen motioned to adjourn, Curtola seconded. 7:40 p.m.